Upvc entrance door to porch laminate wood flooring.
Central heating radiator, wash hand basin, WC, Upvc window to front aspect.
Laminate wood flooring, central heating radiator, under stairs cupboard and stairs to first floor.
Double glazed window to front aspect, laminate wood flooring, TV point, central heating radiator and arch to dining room.
Laminate wood flooring, double glazed patio doors to rear and central heating radiator.
Wall and base units with laminate work surfaces, integral oven with electric hob, 1.5 stainless steel sink and drainer with mixer tap, plumbed for washing machine, fully tiled walls, and cupboard housing gas boiler and double glazed window and door to rear.
Upvc door to rear aspect, tiled flooring and wall light.
loft access.
Double glazed window to front aspect, central heating radiator and built in wardrobes.
Upvc window to rear aspect, central heating radiator and built in wardrobes.
Double glazed window to front aspect, central heating radiator and built in cupboard.
White suite comprising of bath with chrome mixer tap and shower attachment, WC, pedestal wash hand basin, 1/2 laminate walls, chrome towel rail and Upvc window to rear aspect.
Block paved rear garden with raised beds and gate access to the rear.